Friday, December 28, 2012

In Defense of Human Dignity

Michael D. Greaney

ISBN 978-0944997024     320 pp.     $20.00 (U.S.)     £16.00 (U.K.)

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In Defense of Human Dignity is a compilation of articles previously appearing in Social Justice Review, based on the "Four Pillars of an Economically Just Society":
1) Limited economic role for the State,

2) Free and open markets within a just legal system as the best means for determining just wages, just prices and just profits,

3) Restoration of the rights of private property, particularly in corporate equity and other forms of business organization, and

4) Widespread direct ownership of capital.
 The Just Third Way is a holistic program developed by the interfaith Center for Economic and Social Justice ("CESJ") in Arlington, Virginia, USA, in response to the growing disparities of wealth and the failure of today's institutions to meet people's wants and needs in a manner consistent with their essential dignity as human beings. Analyzing the applications of natural law as expressed in Catholic social teaching, the articles demonstrate the universality of the principles underpinning the Just Third Way from the perspective of that particular faith tradition.