Michael D. Greaney
ISBN: 978-0-944997-06-2 144 pp. $10.00 (U.S.) £8.00 (U.K.)
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“Often thought in the modern world to be completely
unrelated, even antithetical to the restoration of a just society, the
restoration of morality and widespread direct ownership of the means of
production go hand-in-hand, as moral authorities through the ages have
recognized. The problems facing modern society cannot be solved and the natural
moral law restored except through the action of ordinary
people organizing for the common good. Further, ordinary people will never have the
power to organize effectively until and unless they have direct ownership of a
meaningful stake of income-generating assets. As Daniel Webster observed in 1820, ‘Power naturally and
necessarily follows property.’
“The problem is how to empower ordinary people with the
means of acquiring and possessing private property and thereby lay the
groundwork for solving today’s problems. In a modern economy, that necessarily
means democratic access to money and credit by reforming the money and credit
— The Political Animal,
p. 117.